Sensational Front Row Start For Julian Simon

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The Moto2 riders were given extra time in this morning’s final free practice following the cancellation of yesterday afternoon’s second session but little happened to suggest anything other than a home winner at Motorland tomorrow. Marc Márquez took a dominant pole position ahead of fellow Spaniard Julián Simón, the only riders to break the 1’54 barrier today. Scott Redding, Stefan Bradl and Alex De Angelis are their likely pursuers tomorrow although much will depend on the weather, with an iffy forecast following two days of intense heat.

MAPFRE Aspar trio Julián Simón, Jordi Torres and Elena Rosell all have their own reasons to look forward to the race, whatever the weather. Simon made progress throughout the day before a sensational final five minutes of qualifying, that saw him rise from sixteenth place to second on the grid, a position that could possibly have been even better if it wasn’t for a crash on his final lap. Torres will contest a Grand Prix race at a circuit he knows for the first time tomorrow and lines up 21st on the grid but just 1.7 seconds off pole position pace, confident in the knowledge he has the pace to make up positions tomorrow. Rosell, meanwhile, is looking forward to becoming the first Spanish woman to compete at World Championship level and is hopeful of springing the odd surprise on the established riders.

2nd Julián Simón 1.53.980 (14 laps):
“That was the first time a crash has felt so good! It came when I was riding on the limit, just after setting the second fastest lap of the day, and it was a huge scare but I escaped unhurt. I was following Márquez and I can assure you it was a huge one, on another level! I am really happy with the result today and I think we have the pace tomorrow to finish in the top five. The first objective is to finish and after that to finish as high up as possible. I want a good result to take with me to see Dr. Villamor on Monday, when I have my next examination on the leg. Tomorrow I will try and get behind Marc and hang on – hopefully he can pull me along. The leg bothers me but I think I can stick the race out. The end of the race will be going into the unknown but I will try to hang in there and back up a positive day today.”

22nd Jordi Torres 1.55.084 (18 laps):
“I haven’t set a great lap time but my rhythm is good and we have some ideas to improve it still further tomorrow. I am just struggling to adapt a little having ridden on Michelins last weekend and changing back to Dunlops here and to lose a session yesterday was a setback. Apart from that I am happy and if we can get a bit more confident with the front tomorrow morning we’ll be ready. There is a little bit of extra pressure here racing at home but I am confident in myself and the team.”

39th Elena Rosell 1.58.806 (18 laps):
“We still have a lot of work to do but I am improving in every session and feel like I can continue to do so. I need more experience and confidence on the Moto2 bike but for now I am just really happy to be making my World Championship debut tomorrow. My main goal is to improve my pace again and finish the race. It is a dream come true for any rider to line up on a Grand Prix grid so I am really happy. I am realistic and I know what we are capable of tomorrow but the fact we are here gives me a lot of satisfaction.”

Source: Aspar Media

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