Espargaró ashamed and furious after “dangerous” final race of the season

 In Moto2, News

The race of the Grand Prix of Valencia did not give the HP Pons 40 team a good result, on a day where only Aleix Espargaró was on track after the withdrawal of Axel Pons.

In a race where rain has appeared from the start, despite having been declared a dry race, Espargaró didn’t show a good performance, finishing in 21st place and far from his expectations. A result that does not do justice to the potential of the rider from Granollers, who had many problems throughout his debut year in Moto2 in wet conditions.

Axel Pons could not take part in the race, a decision made by the rider himself on Saturday as a precaution and after suffering some aftereffects of his heavy crash during the Malaysian Grand Prix.

With this Grand Prix the 2011 World Championship has finished. On Monday morning at the Ricardo Tormo circuit begin the 2012 pre-season with the first day of practice for the Moto2 class.

#40. Aleix Espargaró: 21º
“More than angry I am sad, because I feel very bad to finish the season like this and say Goodbye to the team this way. I have to say that it has been one of the most shameful races of my life, it was disgraceful how I did. On the other hand, to be completely honest, I have to say I’m ashamed to have a race direction like this one, which – after we all have done a parade lap in honour of a rider killed in a serious accident – would still leaves us race today like that. Since the sighting lap you could see it was raining a lot and they have declared it a dry race, a very dangerous situation.”

#80. Axel Pons: DNS
“This morning I woke up with quite a headache and I also was a little dizzy, so even though it was hard one to make yesterday, I believe the decision was correct. I’ve been watching the race on the TV and everytime that happens I am more eager to ride. But now I have to rest and try to get back on track as soon as possible and as well-recovered as possible.”

Source: Pons Racing

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