Cardus comparing bikes and steadily improving confidence
Ricky Cardús: “We have improved the time from yesterday, also the feeling. I did more miles and it shows on the track. What is important is that every time we go out we improve, but I have to improve my riding. We had some rain and we have used that to make a big change on the bike and it had some effect. I am very happy with how everything goes, with the bike, the team, the pace. We have one more day to improve my riding and the bike.”
Karlos Argiñano: “Our team finished its work yesterday in the circuit at half past three. And in the early hours of Friday we were all taking up the work again. New bike, new team, a lot of motivation and at 8 in the morning we are working again. It has been a very interesting day, Ricky’s laptimes please everyone. Our rider is happy and that allows us to continue helping him. The team is doing well and we really have a good feeling. Let’s see if tomorrow we can take another step forward. “
Source: Argiñano Racing Team