Third row not what Salom hoped for: “But if I could have done better, I would have”
Salom had to settle for third row, together with Moncayo and Faubel. With 33 seconds before the checkered flag fell Salom moved to fourth on the grid, but he couldn’t hold on to that position in the final minute of the practice. In his last lap the Span iard had two big moments due to lack of grip and decided to close the gas.
Luis Salom (9th): “In the beginning of the session I had no grip at all. It was too dangerous to put my head down and go for it. Later on it went better, but third row is not what I had hoped for. But if I could have done better, I would have. It’s not the first time I have to start a bit further behind than I should. It’s the same story again: I have 24 laps to make up as much as possible. As always the podium is my goal.”
Team manager Johan Stigefelt: “It was not ideal, but that was the same for everybody. We were a bit surprised by the lack of grip. The weather is very unpredictable. We know we are very fast and competitive in the dry. At least we have some data now for the setup in the wet, in case of a wet race.”
Source: RW Racing GP