The official fanclub has emailed members outlining details for the summer party (“Fiesta de Verano”) – now confirmed for Saturday September 12th from 12 noon onwards at Los [...]
I’m very pleased to announce that we have now completed the overhaul of and that it is once again accessible to all. It is a major redesign, and has moved away from being [...]
Although we’ve yet to see the full *2009* range of Alvaro Bautista official fan merchandise showing up on the Speed Genius website, a couple of items from the new stuff are certainly there; [...]
Just a reminder of that very special bond between Alvaro and his fans – and let’s be honest, most of the crowd in general! Great to see the new Fan’s Club already very visible too 🙂
For those of you who live your lives on the cutting edge of technology, you may be interested to know that BatiFans is now also on Twitter – where, rather than simply replicating what we do [...]
Alvaro meets his new Diablo mascot The presentation of the new Directiva Fan’s Club president Julio César Mendoza with the mascot Mahou & tapas at the Bar Los Tinajones, 11pm Saturday [...]
Spanish car hire company SOLMAR rent a car will have its own stand in this year’s Fitur exhibition/show (Hall 12, Stand 12B10A), where Bradley Smith, Jorge Martínez “Aspar” and Álvaro [...]
Well, slightly more promising news on the Peña / Fanclub front… The latest news from Spain suggests there’s an upcoming meeting been called which will lay the foundations for a [...]
Sadly, following on from the good news regarding Alvaro’s new partnership with MTECH, there’s some worrying sounds from Talavera tonight, with news coming out that the Peña is being [...]
In a determined effort to put my Alvaro-related picture library (or “The Stash” as it is known in these parts…) to some good use, I’ve made one of those cool Mosaic [...]